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- Threeply seam sealing tape
- Threeply waterproof tape for ski-garment
- Threeply seam sealing tape
- 3-ply seam sealing tape
- threeply tape for jacket
- threeply waterproof tape used in garment
- Threeply hot air seam sealing tape
- three layer seam seal tape for three-ply laminate fabric
- three layer sealing tape and shoe accessory
- threeply tape for shoes
- Threeply tape for tent
- Threeply seam sealing tape
- Sewing tape
- 3ply tape for garment
- Threeply seam sealing tape
- Threeply cloth tape
- Sealing tape
- Rubber tape
- 3-layer tape
- Rubber tape used on waterproof jackets
- Rubber tape used on waterproof jackets
- rubber tape
- rubber tape
- waterproof rubber seam sealing tape for fgarments
- rubber tape for waterproof fabric
- rubber seam tape
- rubber tape for garment
- rubber tape for garment
- rubber tape for fabric
- Rubber tape for garment
- Rubber seam sealing tape
- wateproof rubber seam sealing tape
- TPU garment tape
- rubber sealing tape and garment accessory
- TPU hot air seam sealing tape
- Waterproof PU sealing tape for tent/rainwear/jacket
- jacket seam tape
- raincoat sealing tape
- PU raincoat tape
- Pure PU tape
- Elastic TPU tape for jacket
- TPU garment tape
- TPU waterproof tape for jacket/rainwear
- TPU seam tape for waterproof garments
- Elastic TPU tape for jacket
- Waterproof PU heat sealing tape for rainwear/jacket
- pure PU seam tape for tent/rainwear/jacket
- Waterproof TPU heat sealing tape for tent/rainwear/jacket
- Waterproof TPU seam tape
- Waterproof TPU tape for tent/rainwear/jacket
- TPU tape for tent
- TPU seam sealing tape
- TPU tape for waterproof garment
- TPU seam sealing tape
- pu hot air seam sealing tape
- PU hot air seam sealing tape for raincoat
- PU seam sealing tape
- printing pu hot melt tape
- tpu seam sealing tape
- TPU waterproof tape for raincoat
- 100% PU tape for garment
- 100% PU tape
- 100% Pu tape
- TPU tape for raincoat
- pure PU seam sealing tape
- waterproof tpu tape for raincoat
- hot air seam sealing tape for garments
- pu sealing tape and garment accessory
- raincoat seam tape
- Pure PU printing waterproof hot air seam sealing tape
- PU tape for waterproof garments
- Pure PU printing waterproof hot air seam sealing tape
- Pure PU printing waterproof hot air seam sealing tape
- Pure PU tape for raincoat
- tpu hot air seam sealing tape
- printed pu hot air seam sealing tape for raincoat, tent, jacket
- highly elastic waterproof tpu seam sealing tape for jacket and garment accessory
- pu hot melt adhesive tape for raincoat
- pu raincoat tape for raincoat
- Pure PU printing waterproof hot air seam sealing tape
- raincoat seam sealing tape
- TPU waterproof tape
- waterproof pu tape for jacket
- pu hot air seam sealing tape for raincoat
- pu seam sealing tape for raincoat
- tpu seam sealing tape
- PU hot air seam sealing tape
- TPU hot air seam sealing tape for raincoat
- PU hot air seam sealing tape
- TPU tape for garments
- Pure PU heat sealing tape
- PU waterproof seam sealing tape
- Pure PU printing waterproof hot air seam sealing tape
- seam tape for waterproof garments
- TPU waterproof seam sealing tape
- TPU seam sealing tape for garment
- TPU seam sealing tape
- TPU tape for jacket
- TPU seam sealing tape
- pure pu tape for waterproof garment
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- Series of waterproof pu leather
- Series of Film
- Series of machine
- Series of printing pu leather
- Series of PVC leather
- Series of waterproof semi-pu leather
- XT-2 CATENA :Hot air seam saeling tape
- XT-3 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-5 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-6 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-7 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-8 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-9 CATENA:Hot air seam sealing tape
- XT-F CATENA:Seamless Decorative Film